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Source # EKE-003:
Author: Sloan, G.L.
Title: Haskell Indian Nation University:Holistic Education in the Natural Resources
Published: Journal of Forestry, November 1997
Description: Journal
Location: Found on KU libraries database but still unable to obtain a hard copy
Copyrighted: No copyright notice obtained
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: A 3 page journal article.
Date: 8 April 2002
Source# EKE-005:
Author: Hoffman, Robert E.
Title: A History of the Commercial Department of Haskell Institute 1895-1963
Published: Kansas State College of Pittsburg, Pittsburg, KS, April 1964.
Description: Book
Location: Haskell Library Archives
Copyrighted: No copyright obtained.
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: course listings, course goals and class descriptions.
Posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EKE-006:
Author: Granzer, Loretta May
Title: Education at Haskell Institute
Published: Lincoln, Nebraska, 1937
Description: Book
Location: Haskell Library Archives
Copyrighted: 1937
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: A detailed and comprehensive overview of the school.
Posted: 8 April 2002
Source# EKE-007:
Author: N/A
Title: Catalogue of Haskell Institute, School Year 1925-26
Published: Not available
Description: pamphlet
Location: Haskell Library Archives
Copyrighted: No copyright given.
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: A pamphlet describing activities, that appears to have been aimed at potential applicants and their parents.
Posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EKE-008:
Author: N/A
Title: Catalogue of Haskell Institute, School Year 1923-24
Published: not available
Description: pamphlet
Location: Haskell Library Archives
Copyrighted: not available
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: A pamphlet describing activities, that appears to have been aimed at potential applicants and their parents.
Posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EKE-011:
Author: O'Brien, Charles A.
Title: The Evolution of Haskell Indian Junior College, 1884-1974
Published: not available
Description: Thesis
Location: Douglas County Historical Society
Copyrighted: no
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: A Liberal Art's Thesis (1975), a basic history, and Haskell's evolution into a modern day institution.
Location: Douglas County Historical Society
Posted: 17 April 2002
Source # EKE-012:
Author: None
Title: none
Published: not available
Description: newspaper clipping
Location: Douglas County Historical Society
Copyrighted: no
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: A butchered copy of a newspaper clipping from the Semi-Centennial Edition of the Jefferson Tribune, circa 1920s, a long article about Haskell.
Location: Douglas County Historical Society
Posted: 17 April 2002
Source # EKE-013:
Author: None
Title: none
Published: not available
Description: a list, without author, title, etc, in the files of 1935-30 Haskell section
Location: Douglas County Historical Society
Copyrighted: no
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: A numbered list of events at Haskell covering academics at the Institute
Location: Douglas County Historical Society
Posted: 17 April 2002
Source # BDF-001:
- Author: Mrs. Louis L. Baker
- Title: No title found
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Oct. 3, 1986
- Description: Personal Letter
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Museum (Haskell Institute File)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This was an actual letter that was hand written (7pages) by a 93-year-old woman to Dr. Steve Jansen of the Douglas County Watkins Museum. Mrs. Baker talks about her early years of schooling in which she attended Haskell Institute. She gives some insight on what levels of education were held in certain buildings.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-002:
- Author: Donna Faye Meradith King
- Title: Haskell Institute: Understanding Its Establishment and Studying its Development from 1884 to 1894
- Published: University of Missouri-Kansas City: 1998
- Description: Master Thesis-photocopy
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum (Haskell Institute File)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is a thesis done by a graduate student which gives information on the beginning of Haskell Institute (1884-1894).
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-003:
- Author: Charles A. O'Brien, Master of Liberal Studies
- Title: The Evolution of Haskell Indian Junior College, 1884-1974
- Published: Norman, Oklahoma 1975: Master-Thesis
- Description: photocopy
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum (Haskell Institute File)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is a thesis done by a graduate student that provides some insight on the beginning of Haskell Institute and how it changed from 1884-1974. Provides information on what the Institute's original goals were for the school and how they "evolved" over a time span of about 90 years.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-008:
- Author: Loretta Mary Granzer
- Title: Indian Education at Haskell Institute
- Published: Lincoln, Nebraska August 1937
- Description: book
- Location: Spencer Research Library call number:RH MSD 205
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Chapter 2 goes into detail of how and why Haskell was founded in Lawrence
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # REL-006:
- Author: Daniel Wildcat
- Title: Haskell Indian Nations University: The Story of a Contested Terrain
- Published: 2001
- Description: Article in book Embattled Lawrence, Conflict and Community edited by Dennis Domer & Barbara Watkins, pages 351-359
- Location: Watkins Library, KU Campus, call # F689.L4 E43 2001
- Copyrighted? yes
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Brief but comprehensive history of Haskell from the Native point of view, including spiritual and cultural issues and the SLT.
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # BDF-004:
- Author: No author found
- Title: Haskell Enrollment
- Published: no publication information seen
- Description: photocopy, 1pg., appears to be hand typed
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum (Haskell Institute File)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Click here to see clip.
- Abstract: This is a one-page list that shows the enrollment of students at Haskell from 1884 to 1975. There appears to be a significant peak in the enrollment during the year of 1931 (1200 students).
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # REL-010:
- Author: Michael Martinez
- Title: Indian Wars Continue at Haskell; Allegations Encircle School Leader
- Published: January 14, 1989
- Description: Newspaper article from the Kansas City Times
- Location: photocopy of article in my possession
- Copyrighted? no
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: An article (beginning on page 1-A) covering the controversial tenure of then-president of Haskell Junior College, Gerald E. Gipp. Headline over the second section of the article, on page A-20, reads: Is president of Indian college a hero or turncoat? He was the first Native president and, according to the article, received credit for various improvements (cutting down on student drinking, starting the process of making Haskell into a 4-year college, etc.) yet is accused of changing grades, allowing theft, and almost "giving away" the remaining land owned by the school. Includes quotes from U.S. Representative Jim Slattery, City Commissioner Sandy Praeger, and state Senator Wint Winter regarding the accusations, plus some of the critics who claimed the above three were conspiring with Gipp to "take Haskell from the Indians".
- Date posted: 18 April 2002
Source # TJL-001:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: Catalogue of Haskell Institute: For the School Year: September 1, 1925 to June 9, 1926
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute, 1926
- Description: book (photocopied-3 pgs: total- appx 50 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This source gives record of current years' activities and courses provided, some including information on farming and homemaking skills.
Source # TJL-002:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: Catalogue of Haskell Institute: June 1921
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute, 1921
- Description: book (photocopied- 3 pgs: total- appx 50 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This source gives record of current years activities and courses provided, some including information on farming and homemaking skills. Shows the schools views on why Indian students need to learn the activities taught at the Institute.
Source # TJL-006:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: The Indian Leader
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute. March 5, 1920
- Description: Book (newspaper archive)(photocopied- 2 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: An interesting article shows Haskell's environmentalist conscience. "A Way to Save Paper" speaks of a Boston man's method of alleviating the paper shortage in the US by packaging more goods in metal containers.
Source # TJL-007:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: An Outline of the Course of Study: Haskell Institute
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute. 1911
- Description: book (photocopied 8 pgs: total- appx 60 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This source gives record of the curriculum for all grades at the institute. The course descriptions ranging from English to geography to agriculture are very detailed and give hint to what some Haskell students were required to learn during his or her attendance.
Source # TJL-008:
- Author: Loretta Mary Granzer
- Title: Indian Education at Haskell Institute: 1884-1937
- Published: Lincoln, NE. 1937
- Description: Book (Master's thesis)(photocopied- 50 pgs: total- appx 250 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This source gives an in-depth record to the formation of Haskell Institute. Information on the role of the national government, as well as a detailed chronological history of the school's activities from 1884 to 1937 and its many incarnations as a state school.
Source # TJL-010:
- Author: Mila Capes Altom
- Title: Students at Haskell Institute from 1884-1889
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Institute, Dec 2000
- Description: Book (80 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This source gives listings for the first students enrolled at Haskell in 1884, recorded student deaths at Haskell Institute from 1884-1889, and Registration Record of Haskell Institute for the years 1884 through 1889.
Source # TJL-011:
- Author: Wilhelm Murg
- Title: Filmmaker to Focus on the Haskell Institute
- Published:
- Description: website
- Location: online
- Copyrighted? Native American Times is © Copyright 2000-2001 Oklahoma Indian Times, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: This article discusses New York based filmmaker Stacy Fox's work on her documentary film focusing on the Haskell Institute. Discusses some of the early history of the institute.
Source # TJL-012:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: Haskell Indian Nations University
- Published:
- Description: website
- Location: online
- Copyrighted? Copyright © 2001 all rights reserved
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: This site is not a huge source of information but does contain some juicy tidbits of information about the history of Haskell.
Source # JAM-010:
- Author: None
- Title: Did you know that...
- Published: None
- Description: 4 pgs of facts of Haskell University
- Location: Watkins Community Museum of History
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: These facts range from the number of wagon wheels the students made in 1902 to Haskell installing their own electrical light plant in 1923 to President Taft visiting the campus in 1911.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JPP-004:
- Author: Haskell Institute Student Council
- Title: The Haskell Handbook
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Institute Printing Dept., 1951?
- Description: Book
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH B 1137
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: School description including regulations. I photocopied a piece on fire prevention at Haskell.
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-008:
- Author: Haskell Institute
- Title: Haskell Institute: An Indian Industrial Training School-Founded in 1884 for the Practical Education of Indian Boys and Girls
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Print Shop, 1910
- Description: Book
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH D4340 1910/11
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Course descriptions, school policies, with some photos
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-009:
- Author: Haskell Institute
- Title: Haskell Institute Bulletin of Information
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Print Shop, 25 April, 1941
- Description: Book
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH D4340 1940/41
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Contains course descriptions for the Institute and describes school policies towards students and community
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JBT-001:
- Author: Charles A. O'Brien
- Title: The Evolution of Haskell Indian Junior College, 1884-1974
- Published: Norman, Oklahoma: The University of Oklahoma, 1975
- Description: Thesis and the pages can be the whole book
- Location: Haskell library, E97.6.L3.0175 C.2
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Some events and their times brought together in one book to piece the history of Haskell
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # JMT-02
Author: Steven Jansen, Ph.D.
Title: Haskell Indian Nations University
Published: No
Description: Radio Talk Transcript
Location: Watkins Community Museum, ÒHaskell FolderÓ in research room
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: None yet
Abstract: This source is secondary
in nature, composed by Steven Jansen, director of the Watkins Community
Museum, for a series of radio talks about the local history of Lawrence.
It retells the general history of the school itself, from its beginning until just recently (? Date).
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-03
Author: Unknown
Title: Haskell Institute- Opening
of the Government Indian Industrial School
Published: September 18, 1884, Lawrence
Journal (not Lawrence Journal-World yet)
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Watkins Community Museum
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: None yet
Abstract: This newspaper article
was re-copied by Dr. Jansen and is kept at the museum. It was written
on the day Haskell opened and describes the goals of the school.
It could be used if researching any aspect of the early days of the school.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-20
Author: Eric P. Anderson
Title: An Imperfect Education
Published: No, written 1997
Description: Thesis
Location: Anschutz Library
Copyrighted: Yes
Hyperlink: None
Abstract: This thesis describes the
social integration of Haskell "Indians" in to Lawrence culture. This
thesis was checked out, obtained abstract information from online card
catalog of KU Libraries.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # EKE-001:
Author: Ames, Rev. William P.
Title: Highlights of the Haskell Institute
Published: not available
Description: soft cover, medium length
Location: Haskell Library Archives
Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
Hyperlink? no
Abstract: brief overview of the Institute's early years. Contains reports on activities, school policies, etc.
Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EDD-004:
- Author: (no author found)
- Title: Waifs of the Forest
- Published: Topeka, Kansas: Topeka Daily Capital, March 16, 1890.
- Description: newspaper article
- Location: Douglas County Historical Society
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This article describes the Indian education and how
the school
is improving "an unhealthy race". It describes the progress the school has had
in teaching the students industry and cleanliness. It also describes the financial needs of the school such as
the amount of food it takes to feed them and the cost of schooling them.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-014:
- Author: (none seen)
- Title:Indian Education
- Published: Lawrence Daily Gazette, September 9, 1885
- Description: newspaper
- Location: Douglas County Historical Museum and photocopy
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? none
- Abstract: This article describes the reasons why the Indians should be educated
and how it will improve the economy. It also shows how the students are more adept the whites at
industry and housework.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-015:
- Author: Dick Russell
- Title: Haskell Institute: Training the Indian in a World Apart
- Published: Midway: Topeka Capital-Journal, March 30, 1969
- Description: newspaper
- Location: Douglas County Historical Museum and photocopy
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? none
- Abstract: This article describes the industrial training,
how they feel about it, and the discrimination they still face.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # AMW-001:
Author:Bill Elzea
Title: Haskell Highlights 1884-1978
Published: no publisher seen
Location: Desk Reference, Haskell Nations University library, Ind.Coll. E97.6.L3.E593c.6
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract:This book includes primarily information taken from the files of the Indian Leader yearbook at Haskell, including a chronology of events of events during the time between 1884 and 1978.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-009: Author: The Writer's Sub-Committee of the 75th Anniversary Celebration
Title: "Haskell Institute USA: 1884-1959"
Published: 1960
Description: book
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Ind.Coll.Ref E97.6.L3.c.5, reserve desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: This is a report of selected events that "helped bring Indians from the bow and arrow to modern culture"-Solon Ayers, superintendent, in the foreword.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-010: Author: Charles O'Brien
Title: "The Evolution of Haskell Indian Junior College, 1884-1974"
Published: University of Oklahoma, 1975
Description: graduate thesis, 90 pages
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Haskell History folder, reserve desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: This thesis includes very thorough bibliography with relevant books, reports, theses, etc. concerning the history of Haskell and its lands.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-013: Author: Mila Capes Altom
Title: "Students at Haskell Institute from 1884 to 1889"
Published: Haskell Department of Archives, December 2000
Description: pamphlet of statistics
Location: reserve, Haskell
Copyrighted? no copyright seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: Pamphlet includes data on the first listing of enrollment, recorded students deaths, and other records for Haskell Institute(now Haskell Indian Nations University).
for 1884-1889
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # BGW-008
Author: Various Indian students of Haskell.
Title: Indian Legends by Indians
Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Institute Printing Department, 1914
Description: photocopy
Location: Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, KS: K 970.8 H27
Copyrighted: Haskell Institute Printing Department, 1914
Abstract: This book contains various stories by many different students which attended Haskell. The stories are legends passed down to them and give a reflection of their cultures.
Source # BGW-009
Author: There are various authors due to that this is a collection of numerous newspaper clippings.
Title: Haskell Institute Clippings
Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Institute, 1938-1971, v. 2
Description: I have photocopies of several articles, however there were too many to copy them all.
Location: Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, KS: K 371.95 H27
Copyrighted: Haskell Institute Printing Department, 1971
Abstract: This book contains various newspaper clippings from local newspapers, between the dates of 1938 and 1971, all in reference to different happenings concerning Haskell.
Source # BGW-012
Author: Haskell Institute
Title: Haskell Centennial Committee
Published: Haskell Institute, Lawrence, KS: 1984
Description: photocopy
Location: Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, KS: Port. 371.95 H27c
Copyrighted: Haskell Institute: 1984
Abstract: This document is actually a flier advertising the Haskell Centennial Events for the 1984 season. This is a novel piece if you are interested in the social events of the Haskell community.
Source # BGW-015
Author: Mary E. Tupper
Title: A few interesting phases of Haskell Indian School
Published: Kansas Magazine, August, 1911
Description: photocopy
Location: Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, KS: 050 K13 v.5
Copyrighted: Kansas Magazine< August, 1911
Abstract: This book is a collection of the magazine issues of "Kansas Magazine". This particular article gives a summary of life at Haskell in 1911. Useful for a history of Haskell students.
Haskell campus landscape
Source # EDD-005:
- Author: (no author found)
- Title: Haskell Institute's Close (graduation ceremony)
- Published: Kansas City, Missouri: Kansas City Times, June 25, 1891.
- Description: newspaper article
- Location: Douglas County Historical Society and photocopy
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This article describes the work that has been done civilizing the Indian
(men farming and women housework) and the improvements made on campus in 1891.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # JAM-006:
- Author: None found
- Title: A Walking Tour of Haskell
- Published: None found
- Description: Article
- Location: Watkins Community Museum of History
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This article discusses Haskell when it first opened and what it has now. Also, it discusses 16 of the well known buildings, memorials, and monuments.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002.
Source # JAM-009:
- Author: Kansas State Historical Society
- Title: Historical Building Inventory Form - Kiva
- Published: 1976
- Description: Inventory form
- Location: Watkins Community Museum of History
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This form tells that the building called Kiva was considered a historical building in 1976 and why.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002.
Source # JAM-012:
- Author: Geneva Goddard
- Title: A Study of the Historical Development and Educational Work of Haskell Institute
- Published: 1930
- Description: Thesis
- Location: Watkins Community Museum of History
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract:This is a long thesis that tells the background of the buildings, the work that has been done at Haskell, and tells of the faculty and students.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JAM-015:
- Author: None
- Title: Pictures of Haskell
- Published: None
- Description: Pictures of Various building of Haskell
- Location: Courtesy of Sally Kreuzburg
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: Pictures of various buildings on Haskell campus.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002.
Source # JPP-003:
- Author: Haskell Institute
- Title: Catalogue of Haskell Institute
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Print Shop, June-1922
- Description: Book
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH D4340 1922
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Contains course descriptions for the Institute, especially farming, with a few photos
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JBT-003:
- Author: No author found
- Title: A map of Haskell
- Published: No publisher found (a copy of a copy)
- Description: Aerial view of Haskell campus
- Location: Haskell Library, from pamphlet stand. No date found
- Copyrighted? No copyright found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Aerial view of Haskell, but hard to say what scale and where Haskell lands start
and end
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # JPP-010:
- Author: Speelman, Margaret Pearson
- Title: The Pageant of War Drums Along the Wakarusa
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Print Shop, April 1944
- Description: Book
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH C4001
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Program from the 60th anniversary pageant of Haskell Institute containing photos, lyrics, and historical descriptions of land use.
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JAM-007:
- Author: Kansas State Historical Society
- Title: Historic Building Inventory Form - Hiawatha Hall
- Published: 1976
- Description: Inventory Form
- Location: Watkins Community Museum of History
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This form tells that Hiawatha Hall was considered a historical building in 1976 and why.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JAM-008:
- Author: Kansas State Historical Society
- Title: Historic Building Inventory Form - Tecumseh Hall
- Published: 1976
- Description: Inventory Form
- Location: Watkins Community Museum of History
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This form tells that Tecumseh Hall was considered a historical building in 1976 and why.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002.
Source # TJL-004:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: The Indian Leader
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute. October 7, 1910
- Description: Book (newspaper archive)(photocopied- 2 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: Two articles stood out for my research, one entitled "A Successful Farmer" which speaks of the success of a former student as he becomes a farmer, and also "Dairy Notes" which speaks of the great deal of production from the on-site dairy.
Source # TJL-005:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: The Indian Leader
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute. Oct 14, 1910
- Description: Book (newspaper archive)(photocopied- 2 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: An article called "Garden Notes" describes the plentiful fall harvest experienced on the campus that year and the amount of work needed to gather all of the crops.
Source # TJL-009:
- Author: Rev. William P. Ames, assisted by La Vergne Dale
- Title: Highlights of Haskell Institute: A Brief Sketch of the Half Century of Indian Education
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell Institute, 1936
- Description: Book (53 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This source is similar to Granzer's thesis but much more condensed. Only the most important events of the year are discussed. Information is subdivided into five decades (1884-1894; 1895-1904; 1905-1914; 1915-1924; 1925-1936). Information on the life of the Haskell farms is nicely presented in the text.
Source # TJL-003:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: The Haskell Annual. June 1923
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Institute, 1923
- Description: book (photocopied- 5 pgs: total- appx 50 pgs)
- Location: Tommaney Hall, Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This yearbook provides a number of pictures taken in the earlier part of the century. The pictures give us a glimpse into the life at Haskell Institute during those years.
Source # LJH-007:
- Author: Dave Kendall, Bob Shaffer, Jim Kelly
- Title: Sunflower Journeys
- Published: Topeka, Kansas, KTWU, 1989
- Description: VHS cassette
- Location: Johnson County Libraries, call number: VIDEO 917.81 Sunflower
Pgm 209 21-DAY 1989
- Copyrighted? 1989 KTWU
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Video articles on Indian education and burial rituals
at Haskell
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-006:
- Author: Joseph Popper
- Title: METRO JOURNAL: Indian school's cemetery speaks of grim history
- Published: Kansas City Star, The (MO), January 27, 1996, pg. B1
- Description: Newspaper column
- Location: Johnson County Libraries, online NewsBank NewsFile
- Copyrighted? 1996 The Kansas City Star
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Columnist writes about Haskell history, cemetery, and
planned trafficway through wetlands
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-003:
- Author: Various
- Title: Haskell Institute [Mounted clippings]
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas, University of Kansas, 1935, 1947, 1957
- Description: Three volumes of newspaper clippings
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas, Spencer Research Library, call number:
RH G143
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: A few clippings cover growth of buildings and land at
Haskell University; also some articles on land deal between Haskell and
Douglas County/Lawrence
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # BDF-005:
- Author: Information was credited to the Key Club, which consisted of Haskell boys
- Title: The Haskell Cemetery
- Published: "The Pioneer", Vol.III, Nov.2, 1977.
- Description: 3 pg. photocopy (48-50)
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum (Haskell Institute File)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: These pages provide information concerning the people who were buried in the cemetery from the years 1885-1943. It appears that the number of deaths decreased over this time span, but in 1888 it appears that there were a significant number of recorded deaths.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-006:
- Author: no author found
- Title: Haskell Indian Junior College Photo Collection
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas (no actual publication data recorded)
- Description: photo album
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum (Steve Jensen pulled it from the shelves).
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This photo album contained numerous pictures of all the buildings at Haskell Institute, the students and staff, and the kind of activities that the students learned in the school (these pictures were all very old, but I don't recall the year span, but each picture has written information explaining it). It appeared that these pictures probably covered the early/mid 1900's.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-007:
- Author: no author found
- Title: Proud Legend Behind Stadium
- Published: Kansas City: Kansas City Star (newspaper clip)
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum (Haskell Institute File)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found or date (this was just a clip laying in the bottom of an open file)
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This article provides information about the stadium that was erected at Haskell. This stadium cost a total of $230,000. This money was provided by the Osage and McDonald families.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-009:
- Author: John M. Peterson
- Title: John G. Haskell Pioneer Kansan Architect
- Published: No publication information found. However it was distributed by the Douglas County Historical Society Watkins County Museum.
- Description: book
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum
- Copyrighted? 1984
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: John Haskell was a highly known architect in Kansas. He contributed significantly to the architecture of the buildings on the Haskell campus.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-013:
- Author: No author found
- Title: Douglas County is Given Haskell Land
- Published: in "Douglas County Clippings", Vol. 10, 1956-1964
- Description: book compiled of clippings (resembles a scrapbook)
- Location: Topeka, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society (978.1, -D74 clipp., pg.72)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Click here to see the article.
- Abstract: This article (Lawrence Journal-World, Jan.13, 1958) provides information on how the Haskell grounds were broken up and distributed to other organizations headed by either government of city officials.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-017:
- Author: Bill Elzea
- Title: Haskell Highlights 1884-1978
- Published: No publication information found
- Description: book
- Location: Haskell Library at Haskell University (Archives)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This source gave the highlights that occurred at Haskell through the years 1884-1978. Most of these highlights related to agriculture. It details the kind of work that Haskell students did, the kinds of crops they harvested, and it gives some information on the products that they made at Haskell Institute.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-018:
- Author: The Writer's Sub-Committee of the 75th Anniversary Celebration Committee
- Title: Haskell Institute U.S.A. 1884-1959
- Published: no publication data found (information was obtained from pages. 66-70, 81-83, 84-86 )
- Description: book
- Location: Haskell Library at Haskell University (Archive section with in the Haskell Library)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: The first set of pages noted above gives a historical breakdown of each building that was erected at Haskell. the second set of pages gives incite concerning crisis that occurred among the students, primarily diseases, sicknesses, and bad weather conditions that occurred in the late 1800's. The last set of pages discusses a tree planting campaign that was held at Haskell. These pages include the types of trees that were planted and the names of the donors.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EKE-002:
Author: The Writer's Sub-Committee of the 75th Anniversary Celebration Committee
Title: Haskell Institute USA
Description: pamphlet
Location: Haskell Library Archives
Copyrighted: No copyright notice found.
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: highlights of the Institute, chronology, campus buildings, and student activities.
Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EKE-004:
Author: Brown, Mitchell Alexander
Title: Fieldhouse and Physical Education Facility for Haskell Indian Junior College
Published: N/A
Description: Thesis
Location: Anschutz Library
Copyrighted: No copyright available
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: This is a master's thesis for the School of Architecture and Urban Design in 1972. Call number is 1972B874.
Posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EKE-009:
Title: Buildings on the Haskell Campus: Past and Present
Compiled by: Haverty, Thelma D.
Published: Haskell Press
Description: Book
Location: Haskell Library Indian Collection (Call # E97.6.13.h193.c14)
Copyrighted: 1975
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: Basically a picture book with brief histories of each building.
Location: Haskell Library Indian Collection (Call # e97.6.l3.h193.c14)
Description: Basically a picture book with brief histories of each building attached.
Posted: 8 April 2002
Source # EDD-002:
- Author: (no author found)
- Title: Vision 2005
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Indian Nations University,
- Description: brochure
- Location: KU Anschutz, call number I 20.2:H 27 (Government
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This brochure gives the guiding principles of the school
and its future goals. Includes great aerial map of the campus.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-003:
- Author: John M. Peterson
- Title: John G. Haskell: Pioneer Kansas Architect
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Historical Society,
- Description: book (279 pages)
- Location: Douglas County Historical Society
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This book describes the life and work of John Haskell,
architect who helped build Haskell University. It describes the process of designing the buildings,
how much they cost, and determining where they should go.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-013:
- Author: (none seen)
- Title: (none seen)
- Published: Jeffersonian Gazette, October 1?, 1904
- Description: newspaper article
- Location: Douglas County Historical Museum
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? none
- Abstract: This article describes the types of crops the boys grow
and how the hard work makes them stronger.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # AMW-002:
Author: Thelma Haverty, instructor of business, Haskell
Title: Buildings on the Haskell Campus: Past and Present
Published: Haskell Press, Lawrence, KS 1975
Description: book
Location: Desk Reference, Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS, library, Ind.Coll.E97.6.L3.H193c.3
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? not available
Abstract: This book has many pictures and descriptions of buildings on the campus of Haskell University.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-008: Author: Pat Fairchild
Title: "Haskell's Lasting Gift"
Published: "Kansas!" magazine, 3rd issue, 1994
Description: photocopy, magazine article, 3 pages
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Haskell History folder, "medicine wheel" subfolder, reference desk
Copyrighted? yes
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: This article is about the 1992 creation by Leslie Evans on the Haskell land, "The Medicine Wheel Earthwork" as a lasting reminder of basic Native American spiritual values.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Haskell medicine wheel
Source # AAE-002:
Author: Denise Low
Title: Touching the Sky, Essays by Denise Low and Flint Hills Photography
by George Kren
Published: Lawrence, KS Penthe Publishing
Description: Print copy
Location: Haskell archives
Copyrighted? No copyright mentioned, but I assume that it is copyrighted.
Hyperlink? No
Abstract: This is a collection of essays by Denise Low depicting
the importance of the medicine wheel to students at Haskell and others
for spiritual purposes. This reading is a complete depiction of the
Haskell medicine wheel's importance and meaning. This also
gives a history of Haskell intertwined with the written essays. This
source is poetically written and depicts the spiritual aspects of the Haskell
wheel by poetic means.
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-003:
Author: Fairchild, Pat
Title: Haskell's Lasting Gift
Published: Kansas Magazine, 3rd Issue, 1994.
Description: Magazine article
Location: Lawrence Public Library Magazines, Basement
Copyrighted? Yes, Kansas Magazine
Hyperlink? no
Abstract: Talks specifically about the formation of the Haskell
Medicine Wheel. Gives reason behind the building of the wheel in
1993 and the people involved with its construction. Also has a great
picture of the Medicine Wheel on the cover.
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-004:
Author: Joan Morrison
Title: Medicine wheel to symbolize healing
Published: No date listed
Description: Paper copy
Location: Haskell archives, medicine wheel file, Published originally
in the Topeka Capital-Journal
Copyrighted? Yes, part of the Capital-Journal
Hyperlink? no
Abstract: This article talks about the reconciliation that
is to take place with the building of the Medicine Wheel to symbolize the
500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival. This article
also gives a detailed description of the medicine wheel and the meaning
of each individual section.
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-005
Author: No author listed
Title: The Medicine Wheel Earthwork
Published: No source listed
Description: Print copy
Location: Haskell archives, Medicine Wheel File
Copyrighted? No copyright mentioned
Hyperlink? No
Abstract: This seems to be a dedication speech for the Medicine
Wheel. This article talks about the importance of ensuring the future
relations of peoples from all over the earth. A particularly interesting
section of this reading is a paragraph on the importance of a relationship
to the places lived, and the relationship of each people to their place.
- Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-006:
Author: Thomas, David Hurst
Title: Exploring Native North America
Published: Oxford University Press
Description: Book
Location: Lawrence Public Library 970.01 Thomas
Copyrighted? Yes
Hyperlink? no
Abstract: This Book talks specifically about the religious
practices of Native Americans. Chapter five specifically, gives an explanation of the Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming. This source
is important because I think it gives a enlightenment of what the scientific
community thinks of the importance of the medicine wheel. This source
also talks briefly about vision quests in relation to the medicine wheel.
- Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-007
Author: Herd, Stan
Title: Stan Herd Medicine Wheel
Published: No date listed
Description: Website
Location: World Wide Web
Copyrighted? Yes
Abstract: Stan Herd was one of the artists who helped to build the
Haskell Medicine Wheel. On Herd's website a picture of the Wheel
can be seen, as well as a brief synopsis of the building of the wheel.
I found this cite interesting because it gave great quotes from the different
sponsors who helped to build the wheel.
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-008
Author: No author listed
Title: Cultural Diversity: Circle of Life
Published: 1998, KTWU/Channel 11, Topeka, KS
Description: Transcript of Interview done for television.
Location: World Wide Web
Copyrighted? Yes
Abstract: This website is script of an interview done by Dan Wildcat.
Wildcat helped to organize and build the medicine wheel. An interesting
fact uncovered in this document is the fact that the place chosen as the
building site for the wheel, was one where students used to go to pray
when they were not allowed to during the days of the off-reservation boarding
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-009
Author: Earnest, Ashley
Title: An interview with Benny Smith
Published: Interview done 07 April 2002
Description: Interview about the importance of the Medicine Wheel
Location: Stidham Hall, Haskell University
Copyrighted? No
Hyperlink? no
Abstract: An interview with Benny Smith, Haskell Counselor.
Smith is an expert on the medicine wheel and actually gives lectures on
the importance of the medicine wheel around the country. I had a
great conversation with Smith and really feel like I am personally beginning
to understand the importance of the medicine wheel within Native American
Culture. One of the most interesting things Smith said was that "all
the students relate to the medicine wheel similarly, but each in their own
spiritual way."
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # AAE-010
Author: Earnest, Ashley
Title: An Interview with Dan Wildcat
Description: An interview with Wildcat on the importance of the
Medicine Wheel to Haskell Students
Abstract: Sometime this week I hope to interview Wildcat on the
importance of the Medicine Wheel to Students at Haskell. I plan to
talk with him about the impact of the road expansion on the spiritual lives
of Haskell Students.
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source # EDD-006:
- Author: (no author found)
- Title: Fact Sheet #1 Spiritual/Cultural
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Indian Nations University.
- Description: article, no date
- Location: Haskell library
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This article describes Indian spiritual traditions in earthworks such
as the Medicine Wheel. It also talks about the changing attitudes among administrators
in the way spiritualism is addressed at the school. It also describes some of the uses of the
Medicine Wheel.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-007:
- Author: Pat Fairchild.
- Title: Haskell's Lasting Gift.
- Published: in Kansas magazine
- Description: magazine
- Location: Haskell library
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This article describes the creation and design of the
Medicine Wheel. It was created in 1992 to mark the quincentennial of Columbus in America.
It was meant as a healing gesture for Haskell's past. It talks about the materials it is made of
who maintains it.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-008:
- Author: (none seen)
- Title: Medicine Wheel Earthwork.
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Indian Nations University.
- Description: article
- Location: Haskell library
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This article describes the spiritual meaning of the design of the
Medicine Wheel. It also talks about the reasons why it was built.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-009:
- Author: (none seen)
- Title: Medicine Wheel Earthwork.
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Indian Nations University.
- Description: diagram
- Location: Haskell library
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This is a diagram of the design of the Medicine Wheel. It shows areas where
there are stones, which areas are mowed, and the location of the mounds.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # EDD-010:
- Author: Denise Low.
- Title: "Haskell Earthworks Medicine Wheel" in Touching the Sky.
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: PENTHE Publishing, 1994.
- Description: diagram
- Location: Haskell library and photocopy
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This is a story about the creation of the Medicine Wheel
its significance to the Indian people. It talks about medicine wheels throughout history
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Rail-to-trail corridor
Source # JPP-012:
- Author: No author identified
- Title: Removal of Railroad Equipment Specifications
- Published: not published
- Description: Photocopied typed report
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Detail instructions for the removal of railroad tracks to make room for the Haskell Rail-Trail
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-013:
- Author: No author identified
- Title: Instructions to Bidders
- Published: not published
- Description: Photocopied typed report
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? no copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Contract signed by company bidding to remove railroad tracks for Haskell Rail-Trail
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-014:
- Author: No author identified
- Title: No title specified
- Published: not published
- Description: Photocopied Map
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Displays proposed location of track removal for placement of Haskell Rail-Trail
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-015:
- Author: No author identified
- Title: Specifications: Trail Development from 23rd to 29th Street
- Published: not published
- Description: Photocopied typed report
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Detailed instructions for work necessary to install the trail after removal of railroad tracks
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-016:
- Author: No author identified
- Title: Agreement for Interim Trail Use/Rail Banking
- Published: not published
- Description: photocopied typed resolution
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? no copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Agreement between the City of Lawrence and Santa Fe Rail company to proceed with property transaction, including dimensions and price
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-017:
- Author: Interstate Commerce Commission
- Title: Decision and Notice of Interim Trail Use or Abandonment
- Published: not published
- Description: photocopied report
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Contains specifications for transferal of rail property, including regulations on property management if handed over for trail use
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-018:
- Author: no author identified
- Title: Bill of Sale
- Published: not published
- Description: Photocopied report
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Documents the transaction of property between the City of Lawrence and the Santa Fe Railway for the track running through Haskell land, including agreed price
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-019:
- Author: Wildgen, Mike
- Title: No title specified
- Published: not published
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Letter written from the Acting City Manager to the Santa Fe Railway in 1990, indicating the purchase price of the property between 23rd and 29th streets
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-020:
- Author: Gatewood, Roth A.
- Title: No title specified
- Published: not published
- Description: Photocopied letter
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Letter written from the counsel for the Santa Fe Railway Co to the City of Lawrence indicating details of the arranged purchase of the railway tracks between 23rd and 29th streets
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-021:
- Author: City of Lawrence
- Title: Recreational Paths in Lawrence
- Published: Publishing information not found
- Description: Folded pamphlet
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Contains current information on Lawrence city trails and a map with designated trails
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-022:
- Author: Utilities Division, Engineering Section
- Title: Official Kansas State Railroad Map
- Published: Topeka Kansas, Transportation Division, 1998
- Description: Foldout map
- Location: Union Station Depot, Lawrence
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Map with locations of modern railroad tracks, with missing section between Lawrence and Baldwin City
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-023:
- Author: Hurdle, Chell
- Title: Routes of M.177
- Published: unaware of publication
- Description: photocopied report
- Location: Watkins History Museum, in Railroads folder
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Describes the stops and destinations of the old Santa Fe train that ran through Lawrence to Ottawa, also discusses current state of parts of the tracks. Address the difficulty and confusion in gathering information on train histories
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-024:
- Author: Litteer, Loren K.
- Title: President Taft arrived by train in Baldwin
- Published: Printed in the Baldwin Ledger, Thurs., Aug. 6, 1987
- Description: Photocopied article
- Location: Watkins History Museum, in Railroads folder
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Discusses the voyage of President Taft through Lawrence to Baldwin City which must have proceeded on the Santa Fe tracks which are now broken up and include the Haskell Rail-Trail
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-025:
- Author: no author
- Title: Personal Interview
- Published: not published (taken on 4-4-02 at 10:45am)
- Description: Interview with Bill Welton at Haskell University
- Location: Haskell Indian Nations University
- Copyrighted? No copyright
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Bill discussed the development of the Haskell Rail-Trail, included the involvement of Haskell Students in clean up activities. Bill provided undocumented stories of other Haskell students who had a tendency to trash the trail.
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-026:
- Author: no author
- Title: Personal Interview
- Published: not published (taken on 4-4-02 at 11:15am)
- Description: Interview with Frederick DeVictor, Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office
- Location: City of Lawrence Parks and Recreations Office, City Hall
- Copyrighted? No copyright
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Fred discussed the development of the Haskell Rail-Trail, including maintenence techniques, land and salvage values regarding the railroad tracks, future plans for the trails, and Haskell's involvement in the maintenence
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # BDF-011:
- Author: George Catt
- Title: Long-Buried Past Rises to Surface
- Published: in "Douglas County Clippings", Vol.10, 1956-1964
- Description: book compiled of numerous newspaper clippings (resembles a scrapbook)
- Location: Topeka, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society (978.1, -D74 Clipp, pg.209)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Click here to see the article.
- Abstract: Article (Lawrence Journal-World, Oct. 2, 1964) provides information about the streetcar service that once ran in Lawrence. There was a Haskell Station at 25th and Massachusetts. Good document for road history info.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-016:
- Author: Carl Thor
- Title: Chronology of Public Transit in Lawrence, KS
- Published: May 1980 (This was the only publication info.)
- Description: appears to be handtyped (6 pages on typed info. and 10 pages of maps)
- Location: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Provides excellent background information to someone interested in the history of the roads, specifically the railway system. It gives a breakdown of the major events that occurred from 1871-1980. Also included are maps of where the roads/rail ran in Lawrence including the Haskell route. I photo copied nine of these maps that date from 1910 to 1972.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
South Lawrence Trafficway, official documents
Source # JBT-005:
- Author:U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Admin., Kansas
Department of Transportation and Douglas County, Kansas
- Title: Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement
- Published: Topeka, KS
- Description: Manuscript
- Location: Haskell Library, front desk
- Copyrighted? 1995
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Spiritual, social, environmental, hazardous waste impacts. Floodplain
impacts. Threatened species and historic impacts
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # JMT-04
Author: Various authors (Haskell students and faculty)
Title: Haskell Indian All Nations University Response to 31st Street Alignment
Published: No, submitted December
Description: Report
Location: Haskell Indian Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Title Page
Abstract: This report was compiled
by various people involved with the Haskell, both students and faculty.
In its 80+ pages, the various authors describe the consequences of placing
the South Lawrence Trafficway (SLT) along the existing 31st street.
Most importantly, it outlines the reasons why it should not built there.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-05
Author: United States Government
Title: Draft of Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement
Published: October 2, 1995 (Submission
Description: Report
Location: Haskell Indian Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Document
Title Page
Abstract: This report was compiled
by the federal government as a supplement to the Final Environmental Impact
Statement by the Federal Highway Administration. It describes the
purpose, alternatives including placement alternatives, and environmental
impact of the proposed SLT. It also includes maps, diagrams, and
topographical data.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # REL-002:
- Author: No primary author listed
- Title: Final Environmental Impact Statement, Project 23C-2567-01; 23U-1121-01 South Lawrence Trafficway
- Published: 1990
- Description: Comb-bound book, approx. 2 1/2 inches thick.
- Location: 1100 Massachusetts St., Douglas County Administrator's office; also in the files of the League of Women Voters of Lawrence/Douglas County Land Use Committee; 1 copy in my possession
- Copyrighted? no
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: In spite of the title, this is not actually the "final" EIS, as the "supplemental" EIS was issued several years later. Contains history of the SLT project to 1989 and all the studies that went into the project by the various governmental agencies, maps, charts, etc. The last quarter is "Appendix G, Comments and Responses", which contains the collected correspondence from anyone who submitted comments or suggestions on the project, including private citizens, government officials, and institutions such as Baker University.
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # REL-003:
- Author: No primary author listed
- Title: Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Project 10-23K-3359-01 South Lawrence Trafficway
- Published: 1995
- Description: Comb-bound book, approx. 1 1/2 inches thick.
- Location: Lawrence Public Library Reference Desk
- Copyrighted? no
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Includes several studies not done for the "Final" EIS, including the impact of noise at the Haskell Medicine Wheel (which didn't yet exist at the time of the first EIS), and other issues brought up primarily by Haskell's objections to the project. More maps, charts, etc.
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # REL-004:
- Author: No primary author listed
- Title: Appendices to the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (above)
- Published: 1995
- Description: Ring binder, approx. 5 inches thick.
- Location: Lawrence Public Library Reference Desk
- Copyrighted? no
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Enormous amounts of information on Haskell, the Baker Wetlands, the history of the SLT, the geographic area, and some of the key individuals who have impacted the wetlands. Includes statements and submissions from a large number of organizations and institutions, correspondence, newspaper clippings, maps, aerial photos, etc., etc. Thicker in toto than both the previously listed EIS documents.
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # REL-008:
- Author: Nancy Hiebert
- Title: Resolution No. 85-41
- Published: 1985
- Description: 2-page document
- Location: Original in file of Douglas County Commissioners/Administrator's Office; photocopy in my possession
- Copyrighted? no
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Resolution passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Douglas County on August 14, 1985, to authorize the construction of a "Southern Trafficway System" and the issuance of bonds for same. An SLT-like project had been talked about for decades, but this is apparently the first official governmental document to begin the actual process of bringing it about.
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # REL-011:
- Author: Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Commission
- Title: South Lawrence Trafficway Corridor Land Use Plan
- Published: July 1989
- Description: Spiral-bound book, 36 pages plus 2 fold-out maps.
- Location: League of Women Voters of Lawrence/Douglas County Land Use Committee; copy also in my possession
- Copyrighted? no
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: The plan and policies put together by the local Planning Commission as to how the land surrounding and alongside the proposed South Lawrence Trafficway should be developed or left alone. Perhaps most notable is that the soon-to-be most controversial areas, Haskell Junior College and the Baker Wetlands, receive scant mention in the very brief 1 1/2 pages covering that entire segment of the Trafficway; more attention is paid to the formerly Haskell-owned land to the east. The cover features a drawing of a totally car-free Trafficway meandering for miles through the unspoiled agricultural countryside.
- Date posted: 18 April 2002
Source # LJH-009:
- Author: Dr. Roger L. Boyd
- Title: Potential Impacts of the South Lawrence Trafficway on the
Baker University Wetlands Research and Natural Area
- Published: Baldwin City, Kansas, Baker University, 1994
- Description: Book
- Location: Baldwin City, Kansas, Baker University Library, call number:
578.786 B69p
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Huge book; prepared for the FHWA, the EPA, the Kansas
Dep. of Transportation and Douglas County; Dr. Boyd begins with his views
on the potential impacts of running the SLT through various portions of
the wetlands; brief history of area is given; talks about federal and state
designations; gives Baker's future plans for area; documents ongoing education
projects; documents the biodiversity of the wetlands; documents research
done in the wetlands; documents hydrology issues; also holds many photos,
newspaper and magazine articles.
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # BGW-007
Author: Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT)
Title: K-10: South Lawrence Trafficway-Making Critical Connections
Published: Topeka, KS: KDOT
Description: pamphlet
Location: KDOT
Docking Building in Topeka, KS
Copyrighted: No copyright notice found.
Abstract: This pamphlet gives information on possible alternate routes that KDOT may pursue for the completion of the South Lawrence Trafficway. Also a brief project schedule is included.
Source # AMW-017: Author:Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Title: Archive of Prominent Section 106 Cases: October 1999
Published: no date seen
Description: website, last accessed 4/19/02
Location:Advisory Council on Historic Preservation website
Copyrighted? yes
Hyperlink? view page
Abstract: This web page includes detailed reports on the construction of the South Lawrence Trafficway, and how the project will adversely affect Haskell Institute. Recent developments in the report include the Council's role in sessions with the Federal Highway Administration regarding the construction of the road through Haskell Indian Nations University, which is classified as a National Historic Landmark. The page includes updates from 1999 to 2000 on the progression of the debate over any adverse construction on the property.
Date posted: 4/19/02
South Lawrence Trafficway, news articles
Source # BDF-010:
- Author: Dennis Domer
- Title: Wetlands Defense
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Lawrence-Journal World, Spring 1994
- Description: newspaper editorial
- Location: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum (Haskell Institute File)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This editorial was written about the entrance of the trafficway through the wetlands. He gives his ideas on why the trafficway is being pushed to go through the Baker Wetlands. The author feels that the South Lawrence Trafficway will violate the rights of the people whom the land belongs to.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JAM-002:
- Author: None found
- Title: Haskell Stands by Wetlands' Sanctity
- Published: Aug. 23, 2001
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location: Lawrence Journal World
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: It is an article that discusses a meeting between HINU and KDOT discussing their views on building the SLT through the wetlands. It also discusses the issue that there are former Haskell students buried in the wetlands so there should be alternatives.
- Date posted: April 05, 2002
Source # JAM-003:
- Author: Joy Ludwig
- Title: SLT Path Slices Wetlands
- Published: Feb. 28, 2001
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location:Lawrence Journal World
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This article talks about how the building of the SLT will cut into the Baker wetlands and destroy the boardwalk that the public currently enjoys. It also discusses the alternatives to building the SLT on 31st St.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JAM-004:
- Author: Joy Ludwig
- Title: Consultants Examine Wetlands
- Published: May 26, 2001
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location:Lawrence Journal World
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This article tells how KDOT hired environmental consultants to come and tour the existing wetlands. They studied the wetlands to see how accurately they duplicate the wetlands to the west.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JAM-005:
- Author: Joel Mathis
- Title: City, County Seek SLT Time Line
- Published: April 19, 2001
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location:Lawrence Journal World
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This article discusses how the city of Lawrence are demanding a time line for the SLT so they can know how to proceed with their own study of 31st St.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JAM-016:
- Author: Dave Ranney
- Title: BIA Takes Haskell Out of SLT Equation
- Published: April 10, 2001
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location: Lawrence Journal World
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This article discusses how the agency that oversees HINU agreed to drop the opposition to let the SLT be built. It also says how other agencies and groups are still against the SLT being built on 31st St.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JAM-017:
- Author: Dave Ranney
- Title: Speaker Says Wetlands' Fate Should Rest With Tribal Leaders.
- Published: May 11, 2001
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location:Lawrence Journal World
- Copyrighted?None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This article discusses how the Haskell wetlands are sacred and shouldn't be touched. It also discusses how its the Haskell Board of Regents obligation to protect the university's interests.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JAM-018:
- Author: None found
- Title: Community Perspectives about the South Lawrence Trafficway.
- Published: Aug. 8, 2001
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location:Lawrence Journal World
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This is a 9 page article that discusses the results of Lawrence residence's interviews. The information they were asked about are: concerns and issues, stakeholders, preliminary thoughts about alternative trafficway alignments, and process considerations.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JPP-011:
- Author: Fagan, Mark
- Title: Plan Seeks Wetlands Reconstruction
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Lawrence Journal World, Mon. March 25, 2002
- Description: Newspaper Article
- Location: I have a copy
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Discusses opinion of recent biological participation in the SLT debate
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JBT-007:
- Author: Gwyn Mellinger
- Title: Trafficway Opponents Voice Grave Concern
- Published: Lawrence, KS Journal-World newspaper
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location: Haskell Library, scrapbook
- Copyrighted? Date was cut off
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: The fear that community members and Haskell residents have regarding
the digging, paving over and destroying of unmarked graves.
Source # JMT-07
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: Right of way exacts heavy
Published: March 5, 1995, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: None
Abstract: Reports on the financial
status of payment to both private and public parties for the turnover of
their land upon which to build the western portion of the proposed
South Lawrence Trafficway (from Iowa to I-70 west of Lawrence). This
doesn't specifically apply to our area of interest, but it gives background
info to the SLT project in general.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-08
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: County OKs trafficway funds
Published: Jan 30, '97, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: A meeting was held to
urge county commissioners not to proceed with the SLT project after almost
$12 million in state funds are set aside.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # JMT-09
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: City approves SLT Agreement
Published: Feb 5, '97, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: Article describes the
decision of the City of Lawrence to allow the SLT project to proceed, despite
strong local opposition to the project.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # JMT-10
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: Trafficway foes formally
threaten suit
Published: Feb 8, '97, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: This article describes
how opponents to the proposed SLT threatened litigation to stop its progress.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # JMT-11
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: EPA faults trafficway route
Published: Feb. 18, '97, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: The EPA states that more environmental
investigation is needed before a final route for the SLT is decided upon.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # JMT-12
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: Feds pull out of SLT plans
Published: February 22, 1997, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: This article describes
the withdrawal of financial support from the Federal Highway Administration
for the SLT project. This, along with the previous two sources and
following two, can serve to provide and event-by-event account of the SLT
project and its progress/lack of progress in the busy year of 1997.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-13
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: Corp of Engineers looking
at Haskell's trafficway concerns
Published: Mar 2, '97, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: The US Army Corps of Engineers
is called by Haskell to review plans for the proposed SLT.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # JMT-14
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: SLT opponents file suit
Published: March 13, 1997, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: This article reports on
the citizens of Lawrence filing suit on March 12, 1997 in a federal court
to halt the progress of the SLT construction project, hoping to kill it
all together.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-15
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: Judge halts SLT work
Published: April 8, 1997, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: This article reports on
the freeze order placed on the SLT project, including funding, until an
environmental impact report, separate from the ones described in JMT-05 is prepared and submitted for review.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-16
Author: Gwen Mellinger
Title: Theologian defends Haskell's
sacred land
Published: April 9, 1997, Lawrence
Journal World
Description: Newspaper article
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Article
Abstract: Describes the fight by
a Native American theologian, who represents the views of many Haskell
students, to preserve the Baker Wetlands for the reason of protecting sacred
Native American land used for religious practices.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # AMW-015: Author: Marianne Lavelle
Title: "EPA goes to bat for native Americans"
Published: The National Law Journal, April 8, 1996 v18 n32 pA12 col 1
Description: journal article
Location: University of Kansas Libraries, electronic journals
Copyrighted? yes
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: This article is about the March 26, 1996, Environmental Protection Agency's formal objection to the construction of the South Lawrence Trafficway. The EPA objects to the SLT's encroachment on the Baker Wetlands and the religious grounds owned by Haskell Indian Nations University.
Date posted: 4/07/02
Source # AMW-016: Author: David Seideman
Title: "Wetland Roadblock"
Published: Audobon, Jan-Feb 1998 v100 n1 p20(1)
Description: magazine article
Location: University of Kansas Libraries, electronic journals
Copyrighted? 1998 National Audobon Society
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: This article is about the halt of construction of the South Lawrence Trafficway five miles short of
its end because of opposition the construction met. The community and environmental groups protest the destruction of the Baker Wetlands by the roadway.
Date posted: 4/7/02
South Lawrence Trafficway, printed sources
Source # AAE-001:
Author: No author listed
Title: Haskell And The South Lawrence Trafficway Fact Sheet #1 Spiritual/Cultural
Published: No date listed
Description: Paper copy
Location: Haskell archives, medicine wheel file
Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
Hyperlink? no
Abstract: An overview of the association between Haskell students
and land use for spiritual purposes. This document gives a brief
overview of the history of acculturalization and assimilation of Haskell
students. It also discusses the importance of "sacred places
for Haskell students, and the use of the land surrounding Haskell in order
to build the medicine wheel prayer work. This document also discusses
the impact of the trafficway on student's prayer practices and ceremonies.
Date posted: 07 April 2002
Source #JBT-002:
- Author: Haskell Indian Nations University
- Title: Response to the 31st Alignment South Lawrence Trafficway
- Published: Lawrence, KS: Haskell, 1994
- Description: Manuscript and pages 20-22
- Location: Haskell Library
- Copyrighted? No copyright date found but dated, in general, Dec. 23, 1994
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: This is a document written by Haskell members concerning the
prevention of the Trafficway using strong evidence involving the Baker wetlands
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # JBT-006:
- Author: The Coalition to Preserve Our Wetlands
- Title: The Real Story of the Haskell-Baker Wetlands
- Published: Lawrence, KS
- Description: Pamphlet and no date found
- Location: Haskell Library, front desk
- Copyrighted? Yes
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Short, handy information about some negative effects with the constructing
of the Trafficway, including some types of animals that may be threatened
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # JMT-06
Author: The Coalition to Save our
Title: The Real Story of the Haskell-Baker
Wetlands and their Impending Extinction
Published: The Coalition to Save
our Wetlands
Description: Flyer
Location: Haskell Indian Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Brochure
Abstract: This flyer was circulated
around Lawrence to address three primary questions: 1) Why save the wetlands?
2) What are the wetlands? 3) Why are they facing extinction?
This can be used to obtain background information about the Baker Wetlands.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-17
Author: Jayhawk Audubon Society
Title: Preserve the Haskell-Baker
Published: November 1995, Jayhawk
Audubon Society
Description: Flyer
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University Library
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: None
Abstract: This circulated flyer
describes the nature of wetlands (in general), their educational importance,
and financial issues surrounding their existence. It also threatens
litigation, if necessary, to stop SLT progress. The flyer also pushes
the idea of the wetlands as a "[common interest, not just another special
interest]"- it should concern everyone. This, along with source JMT-06,
can be used to investigate the means of spreading information to the public
regarding the SLT project. Also could be useful if examining propaganda/persuasion
techniques used by opponents of the SLT.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # JMT-18
Author: Unknown
Title: South Lawrence Trafficway
Published: No
Description: Flyer
Location: Haskell Indian All Nations
University- Bulletin Boards
Copyrighted: No
Hyperlink: Flyer
Abstract: I found this flyer on
a bulletin board at Haskell. It is advertising for an upcoming (April
21) gathering for Haskell students in order to continue protesting the
proposed South Lawrence Trafficway project. It speaks for itself.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # REL-001:
- Author:
- Title: Interview with Craig Weinaug, Douglas County Administrator.
- Published: n/a
- Description: person
- Location: Notes and partially completed cassette tape in my possession
- Copyrighted? n/a
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Mr. Weinaug has been the Administrator for Douglas County since 1992. He has overseen all the County's business regarding the South Lawrence Trafficway since that time, working with the myriad agencies and people involved on every level, and has an in-depth knowledge on the process that few can match. He says the SLT is one of his favorite subjects.
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # REL-005:
- Author: Bob G. Martin
- Title: Letter to John L. Pasley
- Published: July 23, 1993
- Description: 2-page letter
- Location: Original in file of Douglas County Commissioners/Administrator's Office; photocopy in my possession
- Copyrighted? no
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: First documented official objection by Haskell Indian Junior College to the SLT's 31st Street alignment (cited as such in Draft EIS above, and article by Larry Kipp below).
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # REL-007:
- Author: Larry Kipp
- Title: The South Lawrence Trafficway Controversy
- Published: 2001
- Description: Article in book Embattled Lawrence, Conflict and Community edited by Dennis Domer & Barbara Watkins, pages 361-382
- Location: Watkins Library, KU Campus, call # F689.L4 E43 2001
- Copyrighted? yes
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: A relatively unbiased reconstruction of the history of the SLT from its "official" initiation in 1985 to its status as of July of 2001. Covers a large amount of detail in a small amount of space. Last three pages consist of an extensive bibliography.
- Date posted: 6 April 2002
Source # AMW-003: Author:none specified
Title: "Haskell and the South Lawrence Trafficway Fact Sheet #2: Educational and Native American Views"
Published: no date or publisher seen
Description: photocopy, one page
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Haskell History reserve folder, "medicine wheel" subfolder, reference desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: This document includes the educational and cultural interests which are threatened by the destruction of the Baker wetlands through the construction of the SLT on the Haskell land.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-004: Author:none specified
Title: "Haskell and the South Lawrence Trafficway Fact Sheet #3: Timeline"
Published: no date or publisher seen
Description: photocopy, 2 pages
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Haskell History reserve folder, "medicine wheel" subfolder, reference desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: Document includes a timeline of important events in SLT debate from 1930 to 1966, in Lawrence. Events range from legislative to community response and measures taken to support or reject the construction the SLT through the Baker wetlands.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-005: Author: none specified
Title: "Haskell and the South Lawrence Trafficway Fact Sheet #4: Physical/Biological Impacts"
Published: no date or publisher found
Description: photocopy, one page
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Haskell History reserve folder, "medicine wheel" subfolder, reference desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? see document
Abstract: Document includes the suspected negative impacts on wildlife living in the area of land involved in the debate over the construction of the SLT.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-006: Author: Bev Worster, Coalition to Preserve the Wetlands, DCPA
Title: "Fact Sheet #5: Background on the trafficway"
Published: no publisher or date found
Description: photocopy, two pages
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Haskell History reserve folder, "medicine wheel" subfolder, reference desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: Document includes economical facts, design facts, and public sentiment concerning the construction of the SLT through the Baker wetlands in Lawrence, KS.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-007: Author: Bill Crave, Sierra Club and Kansas Natural Resource Council
Title: "Fact Sheet #6: Litigation"
Published: no publisher or date found
Description: photocopy, three pages
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University library, Haskell History reserve folder, "medicine wheel" subfolder, reference desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: Included subtopics in the document are the legal, religious, and environmental issues at stake in the debate over construction of the SLT through the Haskell and Baker land, including the alleged lack of consideration of alternatives to the plan which would destroy parts of the Baker Wetlands and Haskell lands.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-011: Author: Dr. Roger Boyd
Title: "Educational Use of the Baker University Wetlands"
Published: no publisher seen
Description: 1.5 pages, photocopy
Location: Haskell Indian Nations University, Haskell History folder, "medicine wheel" subfolder, reference desk
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? none available
Abstract: Document includes a detailed explanation of the educational use of the Baker wetlands, Lawrence, KS, by students of both Haskell and Baker universities.
Date posted: 4/7/02
Source # AMW-012: Author: Dr. Chuck Haines
Title: "The Significance of Wetlands to Native Americans"
Published:no publisher seen
Description: 1 page, photocopy
Location: "medicine wheel" folder, reserve, Haskell
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? view document
Abstract: Information includes the importance of the Baker Wetlands to native Americans and why the preservation of these lands is important as a link to past and future Indian culture.
Date posted: 4/7/02
South Lawrence Trafficway, web pages
Source # JLH-007:
- Author:Clark H. Coan
- Title: Selected Chronology of the Haskell-Baker Wetlands and South Lawrence trafficway
- Published: no
- Description: website
- Location:
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink?Larryville
- Abstract: Is an in depth chronology of the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-013:
- Author: Lawrence Planning and Zoning
- Title: South Lawrence Trafficway Dissent
- Published: Saturday, October 6, 2001
- Description: webpage
- Location:
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract:
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # LJH-010:
Author: No author found
Title: Kansas: Construction of the South Lawrence Trafficway, Lawrence
Published: (June 2000)
Description: Web page
Location: Internet
Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
Abstract: Report on the FHWA's withdrawal of support for the SLT
Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-011:
Author: No author found
Title: Wetlands Preservation Organization
Published: yelloDog Productions, 1997
Description: Web page
Location: Internet
Copyrighted? 1997, Wetlands Preservation Organization
Abstract: WPO's mission statement relating to the SLT; includes
link to the fact sheet of their lawsuit with the FHWA
Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-012:
Author: Clark H. Coan
Title: Selected Chronology of the Haskell-Baker Wetlands and South
Lawrence Trafficway
Published: (No date found)
Description: Web page
Location: Internet
Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
Abstract: Selected chronology (that represents the author's viewpoint)
detailing history of the area
Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # TJL-013:
- Author: Prentice A. Crawford
- Title: The Haskell-Baker Wetlands
- Published: (pub date unknown)
- Description: website
- Location: online
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: This brief essay discusses the Haskell-Baker Wetlands, what they are comprised of ecologically, of what significance they are to the Indian peoples both spiritual and historical, and what factors endanger them today, namely city development and the South Lawrence Trafficway.
Source # TJL-014:
- Author: (No author found)
- Title: South Lawrence Trafficway
- Published:
- Description: website
- Location: online
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: This source provides an excellent overview of the K-10 extension project known as the South Lawrence Trafficway. A aerial photo-map shows mitigation areas where special consideration is being taken to lessen the effects of development upon the Baker Wetlands. Discusses compliance to NEPA guidelines
Source # TJL-015:
- Author: Officers, Board members, and members of the Jayhawk Audubon Society (details on website)
- Title: Letter from the Jayhawk Audubon Society to Gov. Bill Graves
- Published: Jayhawk Audubon Society, July 23, 1999
- Description: website
- Location: online
- Copyrighted? (no copyright notice found)
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: This 1999 document discusses both the society's opposition to the proposed 31st Street alignment of the South Lawrence Trafficway, but also
gives potential solutions to the problem. In a response to their letter, Governor Graves kept it short, both accepting the views of
the Jayhawk Audubon Society and acknowledging the elimination of any
possibility of a route south of the Wakarusa River.
Source # JAM-001:
- Author: Clark H. Coan
- Title: Selected Chronology of the Haskell-Baker Wetlands and South Lawrence Trafficway
- Published: None
- Description: Article
- Location: Internet
- Copyrighted? None found
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: It is a 13 pg. article that highlights certain years throughout the history of the Haskell-Baker Wetlands starting around 1500 to 1998
- Date posted: April 05 2002
Source # JAM-020:
- Author: None
- Title: K-10 and the South Lawrence Trafficway Connection
- Published:None
- Description: Map
- Location: SLT hotline- 1-877-873-4384
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract:This is a map of the SLT preliminary alignment concepts. It includes the 31st, 32nd, 35th, 38th, and 42nd St alternatives.
- Date posted: April 17, 2002
Source # JAM-021:
- Author: None
- Title: K-10 South Lawrence Trafficway
- Published: None
- Description: 12 maps
- Location: SLT hotline- 1-877-873-4384
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract:These 12 maps include the alternatives of the SLT. The maps mark the floodplain, floodway, hydric soils, local streets, anticipated bridges, and the alternaive and its alignment. 42nd St. Alternative has alignments A and B. 32nd St. alternative has alignments A-E. 38th St, Alternative has alignments A and B. 35th St. alternative has alignments A and B. 31st St. has alignment A.
- Date posted: April 17, 2002
Source # BGW-002
Author: The Wetland's Preservation Organization, no specific author
Title: Calling all Citizens of Good Conscience, Referencing the South Lawrence Trafficway
Published: Lawrence, KS: the Wetlands Preservation Organization, 1997
Description: photocopy
Copyrighted: 1997, Wetlands Preservation Organization
Link to Document:
Abstract: This website contains info on why construction of the South Lawrence Trafficway should not continue through the Haskell- Baker Wetland area.
Source # BGW-003
Author: The Wetlands
Preservation Organization, no specific author
Title: Summary Fact Sheet
Ross, et al v. Federal Highway Administration
Case No. 97 2132GTV
Published: Lawrence, KS: The Wetlands Preservation Organization, 1997
Description: Photocopy
Copyrighted: 1997, The Wetlands Preservation Organization
Link to Document:
Abstract: This website contains info on cases filed to stop the construction of the South Lawrence Trafficway.
Source # BGW-004
Author: Prentice A. Crawford
Title: The Haskell-Baker Wetlands
Published: Lawrence, KS: The Wetlands Preservation Organization, 1997
Description: photocopy
Copyrighted: 1997, the Wetlands Preservation Organization
Link to Document:
Abstract: This website gives info and some history on the Haskell-Baker Wetlands and wetlands in general.
Source # BGW-005
Author: The Wetlands Preservation Organization, no specific author
Title: Wetlands Preservation Organization
Published in/by: Lawrence, KS: The Wetlands Preservation Organization, 1997
Description: photocopy
Copyrighted: 1997, Wetlands Preservation Organization, site design and creation by yelloDog productions, last revised 5/14/97
Link to Document:
Abstract: This website gives info on the Haskell Indian Nations University and the South Lawrence Trafficway.
Source # BGW-006
Author: The Central Plains Center for BioAssessment (CPCB), no specific author
Title: CPCB in the Community
Published: Lawrence, KS: 2000, CPCB
Description: photocopy
Copyrighted: 2000, CPCB
Link to Document:
Abstract: This website contains info pertaining to special projects, such as the Haskell Bridge Project.
Source # AMW-018: Author: Kansas Department of Transportation
Title: K-10 South Lawrence Trafficway
Published: 2001
Description: website
Copyrighted? yes
Hyperlink? view page
Abstract: Subtitled "K-10 and the South Lawrence Trafficway-Making Critical Connections," this site gives an overview of the SLT project, aspects of community involvement, project news, cultural resources, and environmental resources pertaining to the construction of the SLT through the Haskell and Baker lands.
Date posted: 4/19/02
Wetlands land transactions
Source # JLH-001:
- Author: No author found
- Title: Report on Government's Title
- Published: September 23, 1966
- Description: photocopied report
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: A four page description of the Haskell Wetlands as excess property of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-002:
- Author: E. Raymond Hall
- Title: no title
- Published: November 30, 1966
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: Spencer Research Library RG 2/0/1/1 Box 13
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: 2 page letter from E. Raymond Hall to Dr. James R. Surface, Provost concerning the acquisition of the Haskell Wetlands for KU
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-003:
- Author:Philip S. Humphrey
- Title: no title
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: Spencer Research Library RG 2/0/1/1 Box 13
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: 1 page letter from Philip S. Humphrey to Dr. James R. Surface, Provost suggesting that KU withdraw from negotiations concerning the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-004:
- Author:James R. Surface
- Title: no title
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: Spencer Research Library RG 2/0/1/1 Box 13
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: 1 page letter from James R. Surface to Philip S. Humphrey suggesting that KU postpone negotiations concerning the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-005:
- Author:Ronald L. McGregor
- Title: no title
- Published: March 11, 1968
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: Spencer Research Library RG 2/0/1/1 Box 13
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: 3 page letter from Ronald L. McGregor to Dean Francis Heller, acting Provost explaining the pros and cons of acquiring the Haskell Wetlands for KU
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-006:
- Author:Philip S. Humphrey
- Title: no title
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: Spencer Research Library RG 2/0/1/1 Box 13
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: 1 page letter from Philip S. Humphrey to Dr. James R. Surface, Provost informing Dr. Surface that he and other colleagues decided it would be best for KU to back out of acquisition of the wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-009:
- Author:Frederic N. Brokaw
- Title: none
- Published: September 4, 1968
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: 1 page letter from Frederic Brokaw to Mr. J. Wayne Harrop concerning a Quitclaim deed from Baker University for the wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-010:
- Author:none
- Title: Quitclaim Deed
- Published:August 30, 1968
- Description: photocopied deed
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: The Deed giving the Haskell Wetlands to Baker University from the Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-011:
- Author:J. Wayne Harrop
- Title: none
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: letter from J. Wayne Harrop to the Regional Director of the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife concerning the disposal of excess property known as the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-012:
- Author:Floyd J. Maynard Realty officer
- Title: Disposal Plan
- Published:April 11, 1967
- Description: photocopied disposal plan
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: Disposal plan concerning the Haskell wetlands and its monetary value and potential use
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-013:
- Author:John C. Gatlin Regional Director
- Title: Report of Excess Real Property
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied Report of Excess property
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: Report of Excess property prepared by John Gatlin for the U.S. Dept. of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-014:
- Author:Floyd J. Maynard
- Title: Inspection Report
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied inspection report
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: Inspection report concerning the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-015:
- Author:Frederic N. Brokaw
- Title: none
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink?Nara Website
- Abstract: Letter concerning the application submitted by Baker University for the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-016:
- Author:James Edward Doty
- Title: none
- Published: May 27, 1968
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink?Nara Website
- Abstract: Letter from Baker university concerning the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-018:
- Author:E. Lyle Knight
- Title: none
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: letter from E. Lyle Knight to Mr. J. Wayne Harrop concerning the acquisition of the Haskell Wetlands by the University of Kansas
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-019:
- Author:E. Lyle Knight
- Title: Regional Office Investigation Report and Recommendations
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: authorization by the Kansas Board of Regents to KU for making an application to acquire the Haskell wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-020:
- Author:Larry winn Jr. Member of congress
- Title: none
- Published: August 16, 1968
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: Letter from Congressman Larry Winn to the General Services Administration concerning Baker University acquiring the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JLH-021:
- Author:Frederic N. Brokaw
- Title: none
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied letter
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: Letter from Frederic Brokaw to J. Wayne Harrop regarding KU's reevaluation of the Haskell Wetlands and deciding not to pursue purchase
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JAM-011:
- Author: Su Hatsu
- Title: The Stolen Wetlands
- Published: None
- Description: paper from internet site
- Location:
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: This paper talks about how the Baker wetlands were obtained. Hatsu tells how the wetlands were once property of Haskell and then in 1967 they were assigned to Kansas University. Then in 1968 the wetlands were then given to Baker under the General Surplus Property Disposal Act.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JLH-017:
- Author:Baker University
- Title: Application for the Tract commonly known as the Haskell Wetlands
- Published: no
- Description: photocopied application
- Location: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 291, Records of the General Services Administration Property Management Disposal Service, Real Property Disposal Case Files 1968 & Prior 6NN-291-94-1 Box 49 Folder 1 of 4
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? Nara Website
- Abstract: Application from Baker University for the acquisition of the Haskell Wetlands
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Wetlands and Wakarusa River, ecology
Source # JMT-01
Author: Martha Parker and Pelty
Title: Soul of our Souls
Published: Lawrence, 1976
Description: Book
Location: Watkins Community Museum,
Copyrighted: Yes
Hyperlink: None
Abstract: This source outlines the
history of soil in various regions of Douglas County. One chapter
in particular deals with the Wakarusa River Valley. This could be
of particular significance to someone dealing with the ecology of the Baker
Wetlands or anything about the changing soil composition of the region.
Date Posted: 4/8/02
Source # EDD-001:
- Author: Coombs, L., R. Kron, E. Collister, and K. Anderson
- Title: The Indian Child Goes to School: A Study of Interracial
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas: Haskell Indian Nations University,
- Description: book
- Location: KU Anschutz, call number I 20.2:In 2/22 (Government
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink? (none)
- Abstract: This book describes research into Indian academic achievement
compared to Whites. Specifically, the research is focused on the comparisons between the races
in the relationship of residences (reservation vs. home), choices of friends, attendance,
language skills, and grades. The paper concludes that Indians can perform as well as their white
counterparts and would benefit from attending public schools. It is especially significant because
it marks the change in teaching attitudes (from assimilation to acceptance).
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # BDF-012:
- Author: Pat Carr
- Title: 60,000 Out of Homes---Serum, Food Flown to Flooded Cities
- Published: in "Floods in Kansas", Vol.13, 1951)
- Description: book
- Location: Topeka, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society (551.57 clips. vol.13)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This article (Wichita Evening Eagle, July, 13, 1951) would work well for one interested in the rivers and floods. Haskell Indian Institute helped to house those who were flooded out of their homes.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # BDF-015:
- Author: No author found
- Title: Flash Flooding, Tree Damage, Light Outages In City
- Published: in "Floods in Kansas Clippings", Vol. 15, 1969-1981
- Description: book of newspaper clippings (looks like a scrapbook)
- Location: Kansas Historical Society (K 551.57 vol.15)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This clipping from the Lawrence Journal-World (June 27, 1969), discusses the damages caused by flooding in 1969. Information regarding the Wakarusa River was included (flood level, etc.)
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # LJH-001:
Author: Dr. Roger L. Boyd, Dr. Calvin L. Cink, Alexis Powell
- Title: Seasonal Distribution of Birds
- Published: Baldwin City, Kansas, Baker University (No date found)
- Description: Pamphlet
- Location: Baker Wetlands on-site
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: List of birds sighted and seasons they can be sighted
in the wetlands
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-002:
- Author: No author found
- Title: Wetlands Vertebrate Species List
- Published: Baldwin City, Kansas, Baker University (No date found)
- Description: Pamphlet
- Location: Baker Wetlands on-site
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: List of fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals that make
their home in the wetlands
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-004:
- Author: Laura Hamod Zuckerman
- Title: Preserving the Haskell-Baker Wetlands
- Published: Topeka, Kansas, Topeka Capital-Journal, June 10, 1996
- Description: Newspaper article
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas, Spencer Research Library, call number:
Clipping file 6/10/96
- Copyrighted? 1996, Topeka Capital-Journal, Topeka, Kansas
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: History of the Boyd's involvement with the wetlands
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-005:
- Author: Lawrence High School
- Title: Baker Wetlands -- Ecosystems For the New Millennium
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas, Lawrence High School, 1999
- Description: CD-ROM
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas, Lawrence Public Library, call number:
- Copyrighted? 1999 K.M. Highfill, Lawrence High School, Lawrence,
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Pictures, Quicktime videos and detailed lists of Baker
wildlife (Windows 95 & 96 compatible; need Quicktime 3.0 or higher
to view videos)
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-008:
- Author: Dave Kendall, Jim Kelly, Bill Schaffer, Claire Waring
- Title: Sunflower Journeys
- Published: Topeka, Kansas, KTWU, 1993
- Description: VHS cassette
- Location: Johnson County Libraries, call number: VIDEO 917.81 Sunflower Pgm 602 21-DAY 1993
- Copyrighted? 1993 KTWU
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Final segment discusses ecological role of Baker wetlands
- Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # LJH-013:
Author: Kyle Gerstner
Title: Nature Photography
Published: Kyle Gerstner (No date found)
Description: Web site
Location: Internet
Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
Abstract: Site features photo tours of the wildlife in the Haskell-Baker
Date posted: April 9, 2002
Source # JAM-013:
- Author: Baker University
- Title: Wetlands Vertebrate Species List
- Published: None
- Description: Pamphlet
- Location: Baker Wetlands boardwalk
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract: This pamphlet tells a little history of the wetlands. It also tells the abundance and location of species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals living in the wetlands.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002.
Source # JAM-014:
- Author: Baker University
- Title: Seasonal Distribution of Birds
- Published: None
- Description: Pamphlet
- Location: Baker Wetlands boardwalk
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink? None
- Abstract:This pamphlet tells a little history of the wetlands. It also tell the distribution of many different species of birds in the different seasons.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002.
Source # EDD-0011:
- Author: (none seen)
- Title: Surf Your Watershed
- Published: Environmental Protection Agency
- Description: website
- Location: internet
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink?
Lower Kansas EPA site
- Abstract: This is a EPA website for the watershed that includes the
wetlands. It includes data such as the area included in the watershed and which streams empty into
which rivers. It also includes toxic wastes and superfund sites.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # BGW-010
Author: Topeka Capital Journal mostly, no specific author because in a book of clippings
Title: Wakarusa River-Dams-Clinton
Published: Topeka, KS December 1, 1977
Description: photocopy
Location: Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, KS: 627.8 Clipp. V.8
Copyrighted: Topeka, KS, 1977
Abstract: This source is a book of clippings from mainly the Topeka Capital Journal. It contains a few brief references to the Wakarusa River, but mainly in association with Clinton Lake.
Source # AMW-019: Author: none listed
Title: Kansas-Lower Republican Basin Total Maximum Daily Load
Published: no date or publisher seen
Description: website
Copyrighted? none seen
Hyperlink? view page
Abstract: This report gives details on the water quality impairment of the Baker Wetlands. The problem mentioned is that of dissolved oxygen in the water, which impairs the expected aquatic life support. Includes information on the current water quality condition and the projected conditions of the water quality in 2004-2008, and who is responsible for creating those improved conditions.
Date posted: 4/19/02
Lawrence and Kansas
Source # BGW-013
Author: Kansas Planning Board
Title: Traffic Regulations-Lawrence
Published: Kansas Planning Board, Lawrence, KS:March 1935
Description: photocopy
Location: Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, KS: sp 351.8 K13p v.2 p.v
Copyrighted: Kansas Planning Board, Lawrence, KS: March, 1935
Abstract: This is a booklet containing info on the beginnings of the traffic and road regulations in Lawrence. This may be helpful in looking at past planning of road regulations in general or in light of the South Lawrence Trafficway. More of a technical document.
Source # BDF-014:
- Author: Elfriede F. Rowe
- Title: Street Cars Once Clanked Along City Thoroughfares
- Published: in "Douglas County Clippings", Vol.II, 1965-1979
- Description: book compiled of clippings (resembles a scrapbook)
- Location: Topeka, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society (978.1, D74 clipp. v.11, pg.93)
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This article (Lawrence Journal World, Dec. 18, 1968) is a great one for someone interested in the history of the roads. It provides information about the streetcar system that once ran in Lawrence. Part of this route ran along side the Haskell properties. The article gives historical dates and the reason for its downfall.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-001:
- Author: Perley F. Walker
- Title: Industrial Development of Kansas: Industrial Map Section II
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas July 15, 1922
- Description: Engineering Bulletin #12, vol. 23, from the University of Kansas Dean of Engineering
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call#: RHE515
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is a pretty old document on industrial development in Kansas. In fact nothing was developed south of town except Haskell, and the Wakarusa township, which wasn't even considered part of Lawrence. There are numbered location identification maps for each county and some towns.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-002:
- Author: US Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service with Kansas Agriculture Experiment Station
- Title: Soil Survey of Douglas County, Kansas
- Published: National Cooperative Soil Survey, 1973
- Description: book, provided by Douglas County Conservation District
- Location: OSMA Room,Lawrence Public Library, call #: KC 631.4 Un3s
- Copyrighted? No Copyright found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Site map #15 shows the soil properties of the Lawrence Industrial Park location. This book has great information on topography and soil characteristics in Kansas. Also suggestions on soil management and potential soil degradation factors. Perfect for understanding the base of the modern day Lawrence Industrial Park.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-005:
- Author: Economic Development Division, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce
- Title: Economic Development Fact Book
- Published: Lawrence, Kansas 1970
- Description: spiral bound brown book
- Location: OSMA Room, Lawrence Public Library, call#:KC 330.978 L439e
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Detailed information on utilities and water management/costs in Lawrence. Also a good source for financial, services, and site facts. No information on specific site uses.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-006:
- Author: Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station and Kansas State planning board
- Title: Agricultural Resources of Kansas
- Published: Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science, Manhattan, Kansas Oct. 15, 1937
- Description: Kansas State College Bulletin,vol. XXI no. 10, page#59
- Location: OSMA Room, Lawrence Public Library, call#: KC 630 K133
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Small excerpt on Douglas County including information on topography, rainfall, land use and land values as of 1937.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-007:
- Author: Andrea (no other information available)
- Title: Andrea's History of Kansas
- Published: no information available
- Description: bound papers in a black jacket, possibly a thesis research project (not for sure)
- Location: OSMA Room, Lawrence Public Library, call#: K978.1 An2
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Great history of Douglas County inhabitants from the start of settlement. Valuable information on the Wakarusa Township, currently south east Lawrence Industrial Park area. Locates some families and recognizes their livelihoods.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-008:
- Author: Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission and Institute for Social and Environmental Studies
- Title: Lawrence Area Neighborhood Analysis
- Published: University of Kansas, Lawrence Aug. 1972
- Description: spiral bound, thick book. brown cover
- Location: OSMA Room, Lawrence Public Library, call#: KC 711.4 L439p
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: The information in this collection is very similar to source CNF-005, but it's in a little more detail as to what each section of town consists of. My focus is on the Lawrence Industrial Park, called Bowling Square Industrial District in this publication. There are some site maps and environmental blight maps as well. These locate deteriorating structures and auto/trash buildup on the sites.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-009:
- Author: based on information from the Lawrence-Douglas county metropolitan planning commission
- Title: Lawrence-Douglas County Horizon 2020: "Background Studies"
- Published: Trkla, Pettigrew, Allen & Payne Inc.
- Description: blue spiral bound text with a few folded maps inside
- Location: Spencer Research Library, Kansas Collection, call #: RH D7475
- Copyrighted? February 1993
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is a comprehensive study on every aspect of Lawrence life. It's very descriptive and is easy-to-follow. There are maps that show locations of neighborhoods and land usage.
- Date posted: 16 April 2002
Source # CNF-010:
- Author: Lawrence Chamber of Commerce
- Title: Lawrence Industry and Major Employers Directory
- Published: 1992
- Description: small black book with no writing on the cover
- Location: On the 3rd floor- Anschutz Reference call #: HC 108 .L36 L393 1992
- Copyrighted? no copyright information available
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Lists the addresses and telephone numbers of the major employers and industries in Lawrence and each states what they manufacture.
- Date posted: 16 April 2002
Source # CNF-012:
- Author: Larry Kipp
- Title: Smart Growth
- Published:
- Description: webpage
- Location: World Wide Web
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: Great suggestions and information about sustainable growth and current problems in Lawrence.
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # CNF-014:
- Author: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Title: 2001 Annual report
- Published:
- Description: webpage
- Location:
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract:
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # CNF-015:
- Author: Kansas Natural Resource Council
- Title: Water compliance issues
- Published:
- Description: webpage
- Location:
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract:
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # CNF-016:
- Author: Douglas County Courthouse
- Title: under L - Lawrence Industrial Park and Replat of Lots 14 & 15 Learnard Surburban Acres Division, also look up in 7-13-20 SE1/4
- Published: varies
- Description: Large Black Books. and two maps. Maps are easy to locate, but you may just want to ask for #57 and #78.
- Location: Douglas County Courthouse, 2nd floor,Deeds office.
- Copyrighted? still in use.
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: They are very helpful and friendly, I was allowed to search for anything in the tiny room in the back. They have microfiche of transactions too you may copy. The records of deeds have been kept pretty much from the beginning of settlement in Lawrence, so it's pretty easy to find what you're looking for. Since Lawrence Industrial Park is relatively new to Lawrence, land transfers were easy to locate. Unfortunately all you get here is the transaction, nothing about the prospected land use. But this is a great starting point.
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # CNF-017:
- Author: Kenneth A. Middleton
- Title: Manufacturing in Lawrence Kansas 1854-1900
- Published: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 1937
- Description: This is a nice red bound book. You must register with Spencer Research Library staff, and fill out a call slip. Then they kindly retrieve it for you to read in the reading room, although it's not hard to find after that.
- Location: Spencer Research Library, Kansas Collection,call#: RH D6182
- Copyrighted? University of Kansas, July 1940
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Mr. Middleton wrote this to fulfill his master of Business Administration. It contains valuable information about business growth in Lawrence, specific uses of industrial sites, and maps. This was definitely a great find.
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # CNF-018:
- Author: Prepared by Lawrence-Douglas County Metropolitan Planning Office based on recommendations from the Horizon 2020 steering committee
- Title: HORIZON 2020; The comprehensive plan for the City of Lawrence and unincorporated Douglas County
- Published: no information available
- Description: green spiral bound document
- Location: Ground floor at the Lawrence Public Library, in a box next to all the SLT and government documents
- Copyrighted? adopted by the Planning Commission on May 22, 1996
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is a great source for land use information, plans are for future and long-range. Information concerning land forms, economic development, and growth management are also discussed.
- Date posted: 10 April 2002
Source # CNF-019:
- Author: Harland Bartholomew and Associates
- Title: Guide for Growth: 1964-1985
- Published: St. Louis, Missouri, 1964
- Description: small red book with several fold out maps inside
- Location: On the 1st floor West- Watson Library Stacks, call #: HT 168 .L39 H37 1964
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is my favorite resource, because it is the most detailed. The maps show Lawrence growth plans and then current land usages. There are explanations of Lawrence's comprehensive plan throughout the book.
- Date posted: 16 April 2002
Source # CNF-020:
- Author: Kenneth A. Middleton
- Title: The Industrial History of a Midwestern Town
- Published: University of Kansas Press, December 1941
- Description: little frail book, green with red spine
- Location: On the 1st floor North- Anschutz Library, call #: 658 K13 no. 20
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is an industrial history of Lawrence, from the Civil War to then current growth. This is a valuable resource for understanding the causes of industrial development here.
- Date posted: 16 April 2002
Source # CNF-021:
- Author: Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission, and Ron Jones & Associates Consultants
- Title: Plan '95 - A Comprehensive Planning Guide for the City of Lawrence, Kansas 1975-1995
- Published: no publisher information available
- Description: black spine and brown, folder type cover
- Location: On the 1st floor West- Watson Library Stacks, call #: HT 168 .L39 A35 1977 c.2
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: The comprehensive plan for Lawrence city planning. This has information on every aspect of the growth and future projects. There are also economic and social figures which show growth.
- Date posted: 16 April 2002
Source # CNF-022:
- Author: Huber Self
- Title: Environment and Man in Kansas
- Published: The Regents Press of Kansas, Lawrence
- Description: big, blue, hardback book (not too big)
- Location: On the 1st floor Center- Watson Library Stacks, call #: F 686.2 .S 38 c. 2
- Copyrighted? 1978
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Outlines land development in Kansas. The history is very detailed; a great source for any environmental research in Kansas.
- Date posted: 16 April 2002
Source # CNF-023:
- Author: ed. Dennis Domer, and Barbra Watkins
- Title: Embattled Lawrence: Conflict and Community
- Published:
- Description: big, soft back book, historic pictures on the cover
- Location: Watson Library Reserve, call #: F 689 .L4 E43 2001
- Copyrighted? 2001
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is a historic look on many aspects of Lawrence, from culture to industrial development. There are lots of pictures of historic Lawrence residential life. I think this is a useful resource for research.
- Date posted: 16 April 2002
Source # JAM-019:
- Author: Kansas Department of Health and Environment
- Title: A Watershed Conditions Report for the State of Kansas - Lower Kansas watershed
- Published: None
- Description: Report
- Location:
- Copyrighted? None
- Hyperlink?
- Abstract: This report is 15pgs long and has several maps. It discusses the background of the clean water act and why a report is done. It also tells the use of the water in the watershed, the types of pollution, and pollution concerns.
- Date posted: April 5, 2002
Source # JPP-001:
- Author: Ogle, George A.
- Title: Standard Atlas of Douglas County, Kansas
- Published: Chicago, IL: George A. Ogle & Co., 1921
- Description: Oversized bound book
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH Atlas G31
- Copyrighted? Copyright 1921 by George A. Ogle & Co.
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Plat maps of Wakarusa Township
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-002:
- Author: Douglas County Engineers Office
- Title: Ownership & Road Map of Douglas County, Kansas
- Published: 1949
- Description: Printed Map
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH Map R90
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Displays ownership of Haskell lands in 1949
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-005:
- Author: Bartlett & West
- Title: Comprehensive Area Study for Water and Sewage
- Published: Topeka, KS: Bartlett & West, 1970
- Description: Bound report
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH D2918
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: Discusses local climate, soils, ground water, population, and water and sewage usage
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-006:
- Author: Armstrong, A.W. & Soudea, D.B.M.
- Title: Plat Book and Complete Survey of Douglas County, Kansas
- Published: Des Moines, IA: The Kenyon Co., 1909
- Description: Oversized Book
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH Atlas G32
- Copyrighted? Copyright 1909 by D.B.M. Soudea
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Plat map of Wakarusa Township
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
Source # JPP-007:
- Author: No author found
- Title: Douglas County Growth Boundaries as Incorporated in Lawrence-Douglas County Subdivision Regulations
- Published: Unreadable publisher, 1971
- Description: Printed map
- Location: KU Spencer Library, call number RH Map R292
- Copyrighted? No copyright notice found
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: Proposed boundaries for Urban and Suburban Growth
- Date posted: 5 April 2002
U.S. environmental policy
Source # CNF-003:
- Author: Gaddie, Ronald Keith & James L. Regens
- Title: Regulating Wetlands Protection: Environmental Federalism and the States
- Published: State University of New York Press, Albany, 2000
- Description: book
- Location: Anshutz Library, University of Kansas
- Copyrighted? State University of New York, 2000
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is a good source for wetlands and riparian habitat regulation. Also the effects of policy on these areas, past and future.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-004:
- Author: Edited by Swanson, Timothy M., Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University
- Title: The Economics and Ecology of Biodiversity Decline: The Forces Driving Global Change
- Published: Press Syndicate of University of Cambridge
- Description: book
- Location: Anschutz Library, University of Kansas, Call #QH 75.A1 E27 1995
- Copyrighted? Cambridge University Press,1995
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This book concerns wetlands on an economic and political level. It looks closely at the effects driving industry has on wetlands and riparian habitats.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # CNF-011:
- Author: Glen Sussman, Byron W. Daynes, and Jonathan P. West
- Title: American Politics and the Environment
- Published: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
- Description: book
- Location: Anschutz Library, University of Kansas, call#: GE 180.S87 2002
- Copyrighted? 2002 Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This is an easy-to-follow book on the history of U.S. politics and the environment, including sections on business and industry and the environment. This is a good resource for political debates and current environmental policy.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JBT-004:
- Author: Richard C. Smardon
- Title: The Future of Wetlands
- Published: Allanheld, Osmun Publishers, New Jersey
- Description: Book
- Location: Haskell Library, QH75 .F87 1983 Science
- Copyrighted? 1983
- Hyperlink? No
- Abstract: The visual-cultural values of the wetlands meaning the esthetic purpose that
wetlands (in general) produce and how that shapes our cultures
- Date posted: 9 April 2002
Source # BGW-011
Author: Elizabeth H. Haskell (What a coincidence?)
Title: Land Use and the Environment
Published: Kansas water News, V, 19, # 1& 2, August, 1938
Description: photocopy
Location: Kansas Historical Society, Topeka, KS: sp 631.7 K13n v.19 #1&2, p.7
Copyrighted: Book was falling apart, various beginning and ending pages missing.
Abstract: This book contained several issues of the magazine "Kansas Water News". This is more of a broadbase source, simply dealing with general land use issues.
Source # BGW-014
Author: Cheryl D. Collins
Title: Water Rights
Published: Kansas, 1980
Description: photocopy
Location: Kansas Historical Society: Topeka, KS: sp 630.7 Y W29K # 210
Copyrighted: 1980
Abstract: This is a booklet on water rights. It includes water rights between Indians, Kansas, Farmers, etc. This could be helpful if doing water issues concerning Haskell Indians. This is a more general source with no specific reference to Haskell.
U.S. American Indian policy
Source # EDD-0012:
- Author: (none seen)
- Title: President Clinton's Executive Order on Indian Sacred Sites.
- Published: May 27, 1996
- Description: website
- Location: internet
- Copyrighted? (none seen)
- Hyperlink?President Clinton's Executive Order
- Abstract: This is President Clinton's executive order in reference
to areas which are
considered sacred. This info is important because
graves, etc. are in the wetlands which would be included in this order.
- Date posted: 4 April 2002
Source # REL-009:
- Author: David Wallace Adams
- Title: Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875-1928
- Published: 1995
- Description: Book, 396 pages, including illustrations and index
- Location: Watson Library, KU Campus, call # E97.5 A35 1995
- Copyrighted? yes
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: A detailed history of the philosophy and reality behind the practice of sending Native children to boarding schools to rid them of their Native ways and turn them into "useful" citizens. Describes what life was like for the students, their treatment, education, death rates, etc., and the growing resistance to the system. Haskell is not the only institution talked about in the book, but it is given a lot of coverage as it was one of the largest and is the only "liberal arts" educational institution to have survived that era (albeit in very different form).
- Date posted: 10 April 2002
Source # REL-012:
- Author: Brenda J. Child
- Title: Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940
- Published: 1998
- Description: Hardcover book, 178 pages
- Location: Watson Library, KU Campus, call # E99.C6.C45 1998
- Copyrighted? yes
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: What it was like to be students at both Haskell Institute and the Flandreau Indian School (in South Dakota); the stories come primarily from letters written back and forth between Ojibwa students at the schools and their families. Includes bibliography and index.
- Date posted: 18 April 2002
Source # BDF-008:
- Author: Hetzberg, Hazel W.
- Title: The Search for an American Indian Identity, Modern Pan-Indian Movements
- Published: Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1971
- Description: book
- Location: Lawrence, Kansas: Douglas County Watkins Community Museum
- Copyrighted? 1971
- Hyperlink? no
- Abstract: This book provided some information on how and why Haskell Institute became a school for Indian children.
- Date posted: 8 April 2002
Source # JMT-19
Author: United States. Congress. Senate.
Committee on Indian Affairs
Title: Equity in Educational Land
Grant Status Act of 1993
Published: : United States Government,
Description: Book
Location: Anschutz Library
Copyrighted: Yes
Hyperlink: None
Abstract: This book contains government
documents from the Committee on Indian Affairs that discusses the land-grant
status for tribally controlled community colleges, including Haskell, which
is specifically named in it. Includes government legislation on
the topic.
Date Posted: 4/17/02
Source # EKE-010:
Author: Wollock, Jeffery
Title: Native Americas
Published: not available
Description: Journal
Location: Online journal article, available through KU database.
Copyrighted: no
Hyperlink: no
Abstract: a journal article that describes schools like Haskell and makes a few references to Haskell itself.
Location: KU Libraries Database
Posted: 17 April 2002